From the Pastor's Pen - Oct. 6
THIS IS IT The invitation this weekend to participate in a Word On Fire Faith Group brings together all the good things happening in our parish. In the Strategic Planning that the Parish Council is leading us in, comments were made that we need to have adult faith formation. As we grow in understanding of Evangelization, we keep hearing that the community needs to re-catechize and reinvigorate its own faith to be ready to spread it. So this movement to spend a little time in groups to grow in faith comes right out of our other parish priorities. These groups for now will hold 4 meetings, spread over 5 weeks to accommodate some scheduling needs. We’ve selected a small number of videos that can be watched together at home with any online video connection—we’ll make that clear. And a few sharing questions come with this excellent video material. So you’ll be able to view at least 2 videos, and chew it over a bit together, within an hour each session.
It was great to see so many at our Festival of Ministries in the hall last weekend (photos, homilies and witness talks are all available to review on our parish website). The kids enjoyed seeing Olaf (“Frozen”). So now it’s just up to you returning the Stewardship Covenant Card you received in the mail this week. It calls you to reflect a few moments, and consider your offertory pledge for this year (a nonbinding intention). Whether increased, the same, or less, please return this card as it this helps us plan for what’s ahead—and the process gives you those few moments to reflect on your weekly gift as a good steward. The same with your intentions of service—to enter a new ministry, or continue in one, please mark it, and then we produce a good report for all the heads of our ministries and committees. This part is for each one in the household. If you didn’t prepare your Intention Card to return it this week, I get it! Please bring it next week, complete it online, or you can drop it off at the office or mail it. Getting each card back is important to us.
-Fr. Tom
Deacon Formation Collection
The annual Deacon Formation Collection will take place on the weekend of October 5 & 6. This collection is the primary source of funds for the education and formation of men who are discerning a vocation to be a Permanent Deacon in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Parish has been blessed with deacons who assist our priests in a variety of ministries. Our parish has always been very generous in this collection and your generosity is VERY much appreciated by the deacon community. Thank you in advance for your support!
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him, O Lord: Deacon Herb Gettemeier We are sorry to inform you that Deacon Herb Gettemeier passed away on Wednesday, October 2. Deacon Herb's Funeral Mass will be here at our parish on Wednesday, Oct. 16th at 11am. Here is a link to his full obituary: