From the Pastor's Pen - November 10, 2019
Work goes on over the Finances of the parish. As I reported in September, we took in a lot less revenue in tuition last year because of the new school partnership, but we still pay an assessment for all Archdiocesan services based on our tuition revenues the previous year. This is not an expense of the new school, but a carryover formula that’s been hard for us to sustain. With the help of our Finance Committee, the Archdiocese has agreed to begin adjusting that formula according to our budget expenses this year. This is a big accommodation that sets us up well. I plan to give more of a report in February on the year’s first half and looking to the end of the year.
We’re blessed to have a number of faith sharing groups based on Word On Fire. We’re getting good reports on the quality of the content and, especially, the sharing. Some are not used to thinking about their faith with the tools we have available now. I can just assure you that any insight into what’s behind our faith will enrich your walk with the Lord, and your community life.
Next Saturday, as requested by Archbishop Carlson, we will have a Day of Reparation to ask God’s help, to repair the damage done by the incidents of abuse by clergy and other church workers. This will be a mostly quiet time of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the church, starting at noon and ending with the confession period at 4 and Mass at 5. Please consider signing up for a half hour or an hour to ask God’s healing for all who need it.
We’re in an unusually heavy rush of funerals, even for our parish. Please realize that this takes a good deal of time by all on the staff, especially Sr. Emily and the priests, and adjust your expectations accordingly. And please pray for our service to these families in a special time.
-Fr. Tom