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From the Pastor's Pen - May 17, 2020

Sunday’s Mass readings continued to be great for us just to go through the Easter Season, as well as in our unique situation. Jesus invited us to go with him to the Father, and proclaimed “I AM the way there!” As well as the Truth, and the Life. He urged us “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God, and in me.” Fr. Nickolai assured us with Jesus’ words that there are many rooms in the Father’s house, that are available to us now, not just in the afterlife. And St. Peter reminded us we are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood.”

The early Church depicted in the Acts readings was tumultuous as the community grew and had to make new norms to regulate its practices. It’s fitting, in that light, that it’s in this Easter Season that we are introduced into completely new norms to attend church again. As I’ve said, Fr. Nickolai and I are delighted that we will have congregations again for Mass; but as I also said, it won’t be going back to what we had before, but going forward into a new life together.


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