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From the Pastor's Pen - July 19, 2020

A Review of Life and Ministry  That’s my description of PACKING. For several weeks now I’ve been clearing my bookshelves, closets, and anything else laying around. There’s still a ways to go.  But in doing this, it’s been a review of many memories, people, and events. I’ll summarize more of that next week.

Today I want to summarize the state of the parish at this time, as I did Monday night with our Parish Council. The parish is strong, most of all, in people. We range over all ages, with a special group of seniors who have been here a long time. There is good investment in the parish from all these groups. The finances of the parish are in good shape at this time.  We’ve been through tough times during my years here. Since we’re mostly through the adjustment to the new school partnership, the parish will be able to go on with mainly the costs of the parish itself, along with a reasonable subsidy to All Saints School on our site.   Stewardship in Offertory Gifts needs to keep pace with the normal rise in expenses. Organizations, which are longing to meet in person again, serve the seniors, youth, the school parent   community, men, women, athletics, and others.  Our quilters are working again, and have given a large check to the parish from their monthly raffle.

I’m especially glad to see the parish have good momentum on critical areas for a Catholic faith community. The Council with others will publish the new Strategic Plan in the fall, a growth document  for the next few years.  The Evangelization group is ready to go on reflecting on the church documents  that encourage us to spread Jesus’ name.  And our Adult Faith Formation lessons are still online, and waiting to be shared in person again.

Please feel good about St. Rose Philippine Parish at this time, and in the years to come. I think the parish is blessed and fortunate, as few are, to be in this kind of shape in its life.

- Fr. Tom

If you haven't already called the Parish Office, it's time to RSVP for Fr. Tom's Farewell Mass at 10AM on Sunday, July 26th.  Click here to reserve a seat for you and your family.

We can have up to 200 in church while adhering to social distancing and masks are required.  The Mass will also be livestreamed, and Fr. Tom will also be present at all Masses that weekend (5PM Saturday and 8AM Sunday).  

A socially distanced, outdoor reception with refrshments including hot dogs, chips, water, beer and dessert on the church parking lot will begin around 11:30am (after 10am Mass).  All are welcome to stop by and greet Fr. Tom, who will be present until around 2pm.  No reservations are required for the reception. Coolers are welcome.


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