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From the Pastor's Pen

We’re well into Lent. Ash Wednesday was a strong community observance, as the prophet Joel called for. We had 3 Masses in the church, and a good group for Mass at St. Catherine Apartments. The readings of the first Sunday brought us into the desert with Jesus, that our practices may make us strong to resist myriad temptations and to grow stronger in trust of God and charity.

This past week, the first week of Lent, also has seen our faith sharing groups regather around videos about the Mass. We can never exhaust or fully plumb the meanings of the Mass, so you can still join in a group by calling the office. Monday night I also presented the Mass to the parents of this year’s First Communion children from our school and PSR. It’s not a stretch to say that our Strategic Planning Action Plan session at 7:30 in the hall tomorrow night is a Lenten exercise. Lent is for us to use discipline to create a better future. (The letter on these things was delayed a week at the Post Office due to lost papers) Wednesday brought the first talk on the ancient and also contemporary prayer called Lectio Divina, by Shane Van Diest of the Archdiocesan Youth Office. The second and last one is NEXT Wednesday, March 18 at 7. It is pretty much guaranteed to deepen your prayer life, with all the gifts for living that brings.

People are also enjoying the Little Black Books, still available, and the Rice Bowls. An extra offering this year comes from the Archdiocese: to receive materials through your phone or tablet by texting lentSTL to 84576 . If this isn’t your style, share this with your children or grandchildren. This is something we can do about the common pain over children not practicing their faith. This is quality content for them to receive in their own manner. So this week we have the great pre-Easter vision: the Transfiguration. It shows that Lent is about growing toward the glory of Christ that he shares with us.

A couple of personal notes: Our Office Manager Gina’s father, Gino Gaddini, passed away in Colorado. Gina has been there all week and should be returning shortly. And a big Welcome Back to Joe Hipskind! He had another health procedure a couple of months ago, and as before, he’s returned now to work on our church campus, with a few less hours.

-Fr. Tom


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