From the Pastor's Pen - Exciting! Amazing! Awesome!
Exciting! Amazing! Awesome! Relieving! These words were spoken by our 8th Grade students about the Luke 18 retreat they’d been on all weekend. They attended the 10:30 Mass last Sunday, and were certainly the focus of the Mass. I asked them beforehand what they’d say about the weekend, and those were the words they said. The one young man said “relieving” because he found out that God could really forgive their sins, and that they could forgive each other too. Pretty good retreat! Thanks go to our Youth Ministers, Joe Murphy and Kristen Ortiz, and St. Norbert’s ministers too.
So by now, for Lent at our parish, we’ve had two retreats—ACTS, for adults, and Luke 18; and two Evenings of Recollection, one program in two parts. This was attended by over 50 people last week. Many have been saying it was a relief (again!) to find out in a new way that the Trinity lives within us, and we carry Them with us and can access their strength and love all throughout the day. A packet of handouts given on these nights is available at the rectory, with many quotes that are great points of Lenten reflection.
Monday I awoke a bit frazzled due to a number of parish things. In first prayer, I always try to push these things back, so God’s power can be the first word. Then after early Mass, I went to the Parish Office. It always feels better to have my hands on things for awhile. What really helped, though, was our monthly Staff Meeting. The staff, along with me, Fr. Steve, and Deacons Denny and Bill, is made of Gina, Office Manager; Mariellyn, who does a lot of everything; Peggy, Parish Nurse; Sr. Emily; Bob Limmer, Head of Maintenance; Wilma and Sandra; Ken Morr, Principal, and Ann McKay, School Secretary. We went over issues of Masses and special services, scheduling, repair jobs, personnel, and finances. After the hour I felt the relief of burdens shared and supported. I thanked God in after-dinner prayer.