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From the Pastor's Pen - July Updates

Last week’s bulletin had a deadline too early for me to contribute, so here’s some recapping…...We had a smashing 4th of July, with the Patriotic Rosary, Mass at 9, and simple legal fireworks afterward. Everybody was so pleased with all of it. It’s good, yet hard, to reflect on freedom each year in light of our faith for the homily. This year I named 3 mistakes held by people about their freedom throughout history: That they invented it; That they have it; and that it’s “theirs”. We can fall into those mistakes ourselves. God is the origin of our freedom, and the freedom of each of us, and our communities, are a work in progress.

I’ve been at two weddings lately. Just before the 4th I went to Denver for my nephew’s wedding (I wasn’t the officiant), and had a sibling reunion at it. The city and surroundings were a great place for it all. Last Friday evening I officiated at a Wedding Mass at the Old Cathedral. It’s always amazing and an honor to be part of a family’s wedding event like these. There is so much that happens to and among people at these concentrated life events. Fr. Steve also had one last Saturday.

Sort of unrelated things: I’m looking at ways to increase the use of our Adoration Chapel as this year goes on, tied to the Fall Stewardship Awareness Campaign. And I congratulate the parish for making our goal in the ACA Collection! This shows a good attitude towards our Archdiocese, which has been extremely generous with funds for us.

Finally: We have to get the official word in a few weeks, after the June report is ready—but it looks like we have achieved our longtime goal of finishing a financial year in the black! As of last month, we still showed a good-sized surplus. If this plays out, it will be the first time St. Rose PD Parish had a positive financial year! That means, as I promised, an Ice Cream Social in August! Stay tuned.

I’ll be on a car trip like last year the next two weeks. See you August 2nd.


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