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From the Pastor's Pen

Wow! What a week and weekend. That’s always so with Holy Week and the Easter Triduum, and Easter Sunday. It felt like more so than typically this year. While the schedule is sparse, with mostly just evening services Thursday through Saturday (we also had morning prayer), the days are very intense, with a great deal of preaching and the deepest meanings of the year. Our ministers of the liturgy gave great service—the lectors at the Easter Vigil festival of readings were outstanding. Our Environment people created a great atmosphere in church (and another at the school site). As always, our music ministers outdid themselves. It was just easy to pray and rejoice under their direction.

Thursday night I called us to real-ize our worship with direct service to others. Friday night Fr. Steve called us to just BE, in the Father’s arms, as Jesus did, instead of always doing. Saturday night and Sunday, I called on us to FOCUS on the Resurrection as a baby learns to focus on the world around, with wonder and Joy. Fr. Steve called us to believe with no more evidence and an empty burial shroud. More can be found on our website… (review homilies here)

The spirit of the community was extremely prayerful and reverent, with really good crowds each evening, including whole families. The overall spirit was built by our initiates, those who prepared all year to become Catholic: Tom Burke and Tom Marsh. They’ve put their lives firmly in the Lord’s hands, and ours as the Church. THANKS especially to all parishioners for the spirit of worship these days! And all you do through the year to make the worship REAL.

Soon we’ll have Confirmation, and then First Communion. (You’re welcome to attend both). Now we have 50 days to rejoice in Easter—the longest season of the year. Good time to help us take it in—focus on the Resurrection. With this long season, you may see the new rectory Easter Egg brought out repeatedly, at least on Sundays. (Thanks L.B.)


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